
View General Discussion Boards

ID Board Topic Board Date Author
180 New Player 2/4 DukeBelial
179 Help me Cut White amber 3/21 Jozylie
178 re: #177 3/17 edric
177 Raising Stat Cap 3/17 Hades
176 Re: #175 4/20 nans
175 Question - Legendary Weapon 4/20 nans
174 Re: Bunker (sry so late) 1/26 STaRe
173 Re: Bunker 11/21 Hayley
172 Need Explanation for Rogue Shadow Burst Delay! 11/18 BuNKeR
170 #169 10/9 Dama
169 island 10/5 Frenci
168 Event 8/12 AngeL
167 Shining EXP gem = or NOT = big experience gem box 7/20 SweetSweet
166 @fallen 7/11 D
165 where to selling stuff 7/5 returds
164 tanya skill gemcutter, miner, lumber dkk 7/4 fallen
163 Community Thanks 8/10 KusaBana
162 Boss Edric 4/23 yunardis
160 re: #159 4/10 edric
159 Gold daily Reward 4/10 gufi
158 SUBPATH DRUID 3/28 Reagan
157 RE: #156 3/1 edric
156 DEluge Revengenya gak jalan 2/25 kuri
154 @mini games 2/9 jrfar
152 Water Liquid 10/22 Hygand
151 #150 10/20 Dragon
150 Lying to NPC 10/20 Hygand
149 Civil War Voting 10/3 edric
148 #147 8/30 Dragon
147 peraturan CW 8/30 gelOw
146 re 8/30 Sakti
145 RE: 141 - 144 8/30 edric
144 re : 143 8/30 Sakti
143 re: 142 8/30 gelOw
142 re : 141 8/29 Sakti
141 Tolong diperjelas peraturannya 8/29 gelOw
140 CIVIL WAR 8/27 Sakti
139 quest poet lv98-99 8/25 AkikoChan
138 RE: #137 8/21 edric
137 RE: #136 8/18 gelOw
136 RE: #135 8/15 edric
135 Invisible Spell (ROGUE) 8/15 gelOw
134 @Edric 7/18 Media
133 RE: 130 7/18 edric
132 @Media 7/17 Neverest
130 Adaptasi 7/17 Media
129 Script to fix the object not appearing 6/25 edric
128 RE: #127 6/6 edric
127 CivilWAR 6/4 Susa
126 Masukan utk Civil war 5/27 XAVIERI
125 Re: 123 5/24 Cloud
123 Melee Class 5/24 Dragon
122 Update Damage 5/21 Leona
121 Feature Level Clan 5/12 Neverest
118 Declare War 5/12 Neverest
117 Re: 116 5/7 Moran
116 Re:114 5/7 amon
115 Re: Clan and War 5/7 Moran
114 RE: Clan & War 5/6 edric
113 HOW TO? Reduce resoultion 5/6 mangkuBUMI
112 War 5/6 Dragon
111 Re: clan 5/6 Marlboro
110 Clan 5/6 NinjaXxX
109 Clan War 5/6 Lordzeus
108 Re: Clan 5/6 Neverest
107 re: clan war and siege war 5/5 aimee
106 re:105 5/5 UpinLariUpin
105 re: 102 war clan 5/5 mangkuBUMI
104 Re: 102 clan war 5/5 Moran
103 RE 102 5/5 BalencIaga
102 RE: Clan 5/5 edric
101 Siege war and clan war 5/4 Moran
100 Re : clan and clan war 5/3 amon
99 Re:95 5/3 Kimchi
98 Re:96 5/3 ClouD
97 Re:95 5/3 ClouD
96 Re GM Edric 5/3 Media
95 'Clan' dan 'Clan War' 5/3 edric
94 RE: 93 5/2 edric
93 Question - Destiny Shield 5/2 SoulEraser
92 Re 91 4/29 Moran
91 Banned,Jail,Sileced 4/29 Dock
90 WAR VS DEMIGODS ( UPDATED ) 4/28 Leonidas
89 WAR VS DEMIGODS ( UPDATED ) 4/28 troy
70 Ingat Umur 4/21 Rose
69 Screen Resolution 4/14 Neverest
68 Creation rate 4/14 Moran
67 Quest Ice Beast Error 4/13 Media
66 Re 49 4/11 Imbitch
65 @Luffy 4/7 Deco
64 nasib totem chungryong 4/7 luffy
61 RE: 60 4/7 aine
60 Cunning & rage 4/7 Moran
50 Carnage 4/7 Moran
49 RE: 47 4/6 edric
48 re : 47 4/6 Potato
47 new afk update 4/5 Moran
46 about bad word 4/4 kutumbaba
45 ENEX live streaming youtube channel 4/3 mangkuBUMI
44 Open notepad as administrator 4/1 Leona




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