eNexia - Changelog / Updates

eNexia Changelog / Updates

Saturday, 10 August 2024: eNexia Fun Trivia
We have added fun trivia which will run on 19:45, 21:45 and 23:45 server time every two days

The question will be broadcasted on time, to answer simply use sage spell to enter the answer, the question will be random from real life to eNexia world

The first correct answer will get gold, karma and new legend.

Thank you

Friday, 9 August 2024: Independence Day eNexia Point Bonanza 2024
Event will be started on 12 August 2024 00:00:00 and will end on 20 August 2024 23:59:59 Server Time (GMT+7)

The event rules are simple all you need to do is collect as many eNexia Point as you can during the event.
You can collect eNexia Point from top up Chronus and spend your Chronus, you will get 1 eNexia Point for every 100 Chronus top up or by spending 200 Chronus. eNexia Point from bounty and daily reward is not calculated in the event. You will get a notice when you gain eNexia point.

The top 3 eNexia Points Collector during the event will get the following prize

Rank 1st reward:
A Legend Mark, 1500 Chronus, one pair of Independence Bonanza Soul, one Independence Bonanza Badge and one rare event mount (!)

Rank 2nd reward:
A Legend Mark, 1000 Chronus, one pair of Independence Bonanza Soul and one Independence Bonanza Badge (!)

Rank 3rd reward:
A Legend Mark, 500 Chronus and one pair of Independence Bonanza Soul (!)

Extra rewards:
We will also give out event limited sub accessories set for all participants depends on your eNexia Points collected with the following rules:
Above 1800 Points = four pairs of Independence Bonanza Soul and four Independence Bonanza Badge (**)
Above 1500 Points = three pairs of Independence Bonanza Soul and three Independence Bonanza Badge (**)
Above 1200 Points = two pair of Independence Bonanza Soul and two Independence Bonanza Badge (**)
Above 900 Points = one pair of Independence Bonanza Soul and one Independence Bonanza Badge
Above 600 Points = one pair of eNexia Bonanza Soul
Above 300 Points = one pair of Mystical Skull or Two Headed Trident (Break on Death)

All the extra reward also bound to the winner and not pre-enchanted.

For the top 3 eNexia Points Collector you also get the extra rewards depending how many points you collect during the events.
You can use the extra pair you received as refining materials. (Warning: if you have TIMED similar item from previous event, it is recommended NOT to use it as refining material since the TIMED status will follow to the new refined item)

For example If you are the top 1 with 1200 points you will get the top one pre-enchanted reward as stated above and also another tow pair of bonanza soul and two badge from the extra rewards.

We will also give addtional 10% for every Chronus package top up during the event.

Spending Chronus on mystery shop did not give you any eNexia point.
You can check your rank from Menu button and select Ranking
Remember this is PRIVATE SERVER so spend wisely, only spend what you can afford to lose.

(!) Top 3 Event item rewards are bound to the winner and pre-enchanted (random enchant type and rank)

(**) You can choose to exchange this extra reward to Anniversary type by following this rules below
Above 1800 Points = three pairs of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and three Anniversary Bonanza Badge
Above 1500 Points = two pairs of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and two Anniversary Bonanza Badge
Above 1200 Points = one pair of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and one Anniversary Bonanza Badge

Thank you and have fun :)

Saturday, 20 July 2024: Planned Maintenance 22 July 2024
We will do a database maintenance and optimization on 22-07-2024 07:00 GMT+7

Estimated down time is around 1 to 2 hours or maybe longer or shorter depends on the our databases

Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Saturday, 20 July 2024: Second Mystery of BangYin
We have added the second mystery of bangyin quest, the quest start from Trowulan, you need to finish the first part before can continue this 2nd mystery.

The third mystery hopefully will be added around mid to end of August.

Thank you and have fun

Monday, 10 June 2024: First Mystery of BangYin
We have added the first mystery of bangyin quest, the quest start from Trowulan, you will need have access to Mount Haku before you can take the quest, because there are few parts of the quest require you to enter the Rift instances.

The second mystery hopefully will be added around mid to end of July.

Thank you and have fun

Monday, 13 May 2024: Mail and Mystery of Bangyin
We have fixed and make sure the new mail notif won't turn on anymore after you deleted unread mail

First Mystery of Bangyin will be completed soon, expected to be released early of June, there will be four set of Bangyin Mystery quests that can be completed once it is released. Some of NPCs will give you hint how to complete this mystery.

Thank you

Saturday, 4 May 2024: VIP+ passive exp pool information
We have added the info to check the passive EXP pool on F2 menu, it is only visible for VIP+ member that will gain passive EXP

Thank you

Saturday, 27 April 2024: VIP+ Passive EXP update
We have update how the VIP+ Passive exp is distributed to online player, we have added exp pool that will be accumulated then will be distributed to VIP+ player once it reach the threshold of 50 Million EXP.

This should improve your response time since you will have less notification coming from each killed monster.

Thank you

Monday, 15 April 2024: Cake Givers event results
Here is the final results of the Cake Givers event

Rank 1 Culdesac
Rank 2 Overdose
Rank 3 Celesca

You can claim your prize from Baile at Buya (75, 129).

Thank you for your participation. See you again on the next event :)

Sunday, 14 April 2024: Rift Hunter Dungeon
We have added new Hunting Rift which have higher EXP and easier boss, this Rift will not be automatically close after its boss getting killed, so you can continue kill the minions for EXP, the Rift will only closed after the timer is up.

There will be 7 new bosses on this new Rift and will also drop new item that will be used for upcoming quest.

Thank you and have fun

Thursday, 4 April 2024: Happy Eid Mubarak 1445H
The Eid Mubarak event will begin from 07 April 2024 00:00 (GMT+7) until 14 April 2024 23:59 (GMT+7), check the NPC on South Buya to get started.

There is one ranked event related to Eid Mubarak event (Cake Givers).

Cake Givers
There is a Peanuts Forest if you go to the west of Jacheon Forest, hunt as many peanut as you can during the event, and exchange it with event NPC for cakes, then you can hand it to anyone (press h while facing the player you want to give the cakes) to get the event points, top three cake givers will gain event only item and legend marks

Rank 1st reward:
A Legend Mark, 1500 Chronus, one pair of subaccessories, a necklace and one rare event mount (*)

Rank 2nd reward:
A Legend Mark, 1000 Chronus, one pair of subaccessories and a necklace (*)

Rank 3rd reward:
A Legend Mark, 500 Chronus and one pair of subaccessories (*)

During this Eid Mubarak event we also give out another 10% bonus for every Chronus package purchase and activated.

Thank you and have fun :)

(*) All event item rewards are bound to the winner, break on death and pre-enchanted (random enchant type and rank)
the subaccessories will be depend on what is your class (Sabertooth Amulet/Ancient Forest Ring) the necklace is Spectral Necklace. the rare event the mount are timed 60 days not extendable.

1. You can see the ranking list by pressing MENU button then select Ranking. The ranking will be updated and sorted once every 10 minutes;
2. Reward will be given after the event ended and all the rank data verified, you will be disqualified if we found any suspicious activity during the event.
3. You can participate any number of characters as you want, but only your highest rank player in the event will be able to get the prize.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024: Vending Item List
You can view and search available vending item from our website here https://enexiatk.com/vending_lists.php

Please NOTE that the data is not updated in real time, so you may see some item not available in their vending or probably the vending NPC not exist in the game anymore, so please keep that in mind,

The data will be updated from time to time automatically.

Thank you

Friday, 29 March 2024: Mount cooldown update
We have updated the mount cooldown logic with limited number of spam usage depends on your member status. You can only spam once for regular player, two times for vip and three times for vip+

Once the mount spam counter reached you will enter the cooldown mode before the counter reset.

Thank you

Tuesday, 19 March 2024: Transmogrify and Vending update
Blacksmith Eiken in the blackmarket are now able to do transmogrify that will be able to replace the appearance of your equipment without affecting its stats or properties.

Please note that the item used for transmog will disappear forever once applied to existing item, You can remove the transmog by using Kafra remove skin option.

We also added vending broadcast option for all VIP member to advertise what they are selling on their vending, there is one hour cooldown to avoid spam, but if you want to spam it there is a paid option to do it.

To do the Vending Broadcast all you need to do just stand near your Vending and choose the F2 -> Vending -> Broadcast options

Thank you and have fun

Sunday, 17 March 2024: Mount Cooldown
Adding some cooldown during dismount so you can't spam it anymore also add some marking on the horse mount so it won't drop anything now. Need more test on this let me know if you encounter any issue.

You guys sure don't let ppl having a nice weekend will ya? XD

Thank you

Monday, 11 March 2024: Jujak Evo Fix
We have fixed jujak evocation that over maximum allowed health in combination of any regen spells, now it should properly limit to allowed jujak evo maximum health

Thanks for reporting

Thursday, 7 March 2024: Bank Update
We have update how the bank withdraw with enchanted status, now whenever u try to withdraw an item which have another similar item with enchanted status, the enchanted item will be get withdrawn first. There is no other way to fix this since it is the limitation of the bank system. We suggest you to bank your enchanted item on another character that have no original item in the bank.

Thank you

Sunday, 3 March 2024: Pet Auto Feed for VIP+ member
We have added new auto feed function for your beloved pets to all VIP+ member

The auto feed function can be enabled by VIP+ member from F4 -> Toggle Auto Feed Pet menu

The pet auto feed will only trigger if the pet hunger is greater than 50% and you must have Pet Food in your inventory, if your pet food is missing the Auto Feed will turn off automatically.

Please make sure you have pet food stock in your inventory and Auto Feed is turned from F4 menu for this function to works.

Thank you, hopefully this will minimize the running away pet :)

Wednesday, 28 February 2024: Pets update
We have updated how the pet will get exp, while in a party all member that have pets will get 1 exp and the player who killed the monster will receive 1 or 2 exp randomly, if you are solo you will always get 1 exp as before.

Run away pet also updated, if the pets level is higher than 5 it the level will be decreased by 3 levels and all exp will reset to 0, if you pet level less than 5 your progress will be reset entirely

We also disabled the shop broadcast now.

Thank you and have fun

Monday, 26 February 2024: Shop and Monster Info update
We have updated the shop if they only have 1 quantity to sell it will not ask the amount anymore, also they will show you how many item they have on hand if available.

Search Monster Info menu also updated with the spawn information you will be able to check it is spawned or is spawning

Thank you




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