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Subpath Names: Rogue

Some of our names in eNexia differ compared to NTK. Below are the names. Note: NTK had names for ranked players...Il, EE, Sam, and Sa. Here, you cannot be a ranked player without joining a subpath, so those names technically do not apply. You cannot be an Ee san mage, for example.

Merchant, Gypsy, Tradesman, Kashou, Magnate

Spy, Mercenary, Assassin, Saboteur, Emissary

Shadow, Shade, Silhouette, Remnant, Strider

Baekho, Stalker, Ninja, Dojuk, Marauder

Note: As you probably have noticed, the Ranger subpath is not here. Shadow was one of the four original paths from NTK.

Note: The names for Shadow are incorrect. Il san should be Silhouette and Ee san should be Mirage. Sam san and Sa san names were never designed because the Shadow subpath was disbanded in Yuri 48, several Yuris prior to the release of Sam san.

Author: Excaliber (9/21)




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