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Clan War

Clan war declaration feature has been added, you can access it at F2 menu, only a Primogen or Vice primogen has access to clan declare feature. Only Clan Level 1 and up can declare a war or to be declared on

Once you declare a war the other clan will get notification to accept or decline your war declaration
If the other clan accept the war declaration then an announcement will be posted about when the war will be started
The time started is based on the preparation time choosen by the declare clan which is 1 hour to 6 hours maximum

If the other clan did not accept the war declaration in one hour then the system will automatically cancel the declaration so you can declare another war to other clan

Example: when you declare a war and choose 3 hours preparation time, and the other clan accept your declaration of war on
14:25 mean the war will be started on 17:25 Server time, war reminder will be announced every one hour, or at 30, 10, 5, 2 and 1 minutes before the war started.

The war will last for 1 hour. from above example that mean the war will be ended on 18:25 server time. The war can be done anywhere at eNexia Kingdom except at the Inn or minigames field. so you can decide where do you want to do the war.

After the war ended there will be a 24 hours cooldown period for both clan to declare a war, but other clan can still declare another war to your clan while in the cooldown period.
This mean you can still accept another war while your are in the cooldown period, but cannot declare a war. You can only declare another war after 24 hours from your last war ended.

NOTE: The clan war feature are still being tested and not final, there might be some changes will be made in near future. Please do report any bug you found.

Author: edric (4/23)




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