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Japan's Highest Honor pt. 1

Prerequisite: Pledged to Protect Prince Mhul

1. Click Prince Mhul in the room at (04, 03) Main Hall in the Palace at (21, 31) Trowulan.
2. Click King Edric in the room at (10, 2) Main Hall in the Palace at (21, 31) Trowulan.
3. Click Prince Mhul again in the room at (04, 03) Main Hall in the Palace at (21, 31) Trowulan.
4. Click King Edric again in the room at (10, 2) Main Hall in the Palace at (21, 31) Trowulan.
5. Meet Dock in Buya at (73, 57).
6. Go to Japan, then Nara City, and finally Nara Palace at (119, 39) Nara. Use the in-game map or the Wiki map to navigate throughout Japan.
7. Defeat the Guard Shoguns.
8. Get to the next room by pressing "o" on any object or wall, space-by-space. A message in the chat box will let you know when it's found.
9. Talk to the Emperor of Japan an enjoy the cinematic.

-Save point rooms in the Nara Tower: 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, and 79.
-You can create a save point in any save point room within the tower, but you can only teleport to the most recent save point room by first using a Nara R12 scroll in order to get to room 12 and then use the appropriate NPC to direct you to the most recent save point room.

10. In rooms 1-22, kill the following monsters:
-100 Blue Fire Ajin
-100 Green Fire Ajin
-100 Red Fire Ajin
-100 Brown
-100 Light
-100 Forgot :D
11. Enter room 23 and make that your most recent save point.
12. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
13. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room."

14. In rooms 23-33, kill the following monsters:
-50 Newbie bono
-50 Ojie San
-40 Society Guard
-40 BonoBono
15. Enter room 34 and make that your most recent save point.
16. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
17. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room."

18. In rooms 35-44, kill the following monsters:
-100 Fake Peasant
-100 Ninja Sensei
-50 Yasa
19. Enter room 45 and make that your most recent save point.
20. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
21. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room."

22. In rooms 46-55, kill the following monsters:
-70 Fake HwarangDo
-70 Fake Rogue
-70 Fake Poison Bear
23. Enter room 56 and make that your most recent save point.
24. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
25. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room."

26. In rooms 57-65, kill the following monsters:
-50 Guard Palace
-50 Maid Head Guard
-50 Alien
-50 Ichi Fox
27. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
28. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room." Note: This puts you back at room 56. Reclimb back up to 65.

29. In room 66, kill the following monster:
-Head Samurai
30. Enter room 67 and make that your most recent save point.
31. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
32. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room."

33. In rooms 68-78, kill the following monsters:
-50 Lady Snake
-50 Great Killer Nara
-50 Black Magician
-50 Girl Teaser
-50 Fox Lady
34. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
35. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room." Note: This puts you back at room 67. Reclimb back up to 77.

36. In room 78, kill the following monster:
- Battle Shogun
37. Gate and report back to the Emperor.
38. Reclimb the tower by using a Nara 12 scroll and then selecting "return to most recent save room." Note: This puts you back at room 67 once again. Reclimb back up to 78.
39. Enter room 79 and make that your most recent and final save point.

Author: Excaliber (10/15)




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