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Mythic Loop Quests
Hai Gaes....
Langsung aja buat yang ingin nambah:
1. Karma
2. Experience
3. Monster Drop (Key, weapon, armor, dll)
4. Legend
karena jalanin Mythic Loop Quests. Caranya:
1-> Pergi ke Mythic 1, Gate Utara (Go to Mythic 1 North Gate).
2-> Klik NPC Mythic Guardian (Click Mythic Guardian NPC), dia di koordinat 031,011 (at coord. 031,011).
3-> Pilih Mythic Loop Quest (Choose Mythic Loop Quest).
4-> Dengerin dan lakukan apa yang dia minta (Do the Quest)
5-> Tiap cave = 1 Quest, total di Mythic 1 ada 12 cave jadi = 12 Quests (Each cave done = 1 Quest done, there is 12 cave in Mythic 1 area, so it will be 12 Quests)
6-> Setelah selesai 12 Cave, Quest bisa diulang lagi dari awal (After 12 Quests Completed, you can redo the quest from beginning).
--> Khusus untuk Legend, didapat setelah selesai 12 Quest (For Legend, you got it after completed 12 Quests)
--> Entah Bug atau bukan, kalo posisi lagi grup tapi hunting sendirian Toggle Quest ga ada, jadi solusi keluar grup kalo hunting sendirian (Neither bug or something else, if you in grup but hunting alone and Quest toggle isn't show up, solution: Out from your group if you do The Quest alone)
!Happy Hunting!~~!!
Author: Kitkat (2/22)