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Daily Quest, SOQ, Runner Info - Part II

Scroll of Quest (SOQ)

SOQ is used to reset all your daily waiting timer, when used you can do all your daily quest again for today.

There are few ways to obtain SOQ

1. Exchange 10 Bones with the Shaman NPC for a chance to get SOQ
(Look at the number at NPC head when you do the exchange, if the number is around 1 to 2200 you will almost get a SOQ, Bone is dropped from all skeleton at the graveyard, skeleton cave and pirate ship).

Visit https://wiki.enexiatk.com/index.php?title=Caves for caves location and monster drops

2. Open the Giftbox for a chance of this SOQ, along with other random item as well. (Giftbox can be obtained by exchange Treasure key 1 to 4 dropped by mythic monkey monster with the Blackmarket NPC X35 Y36)

3. Swag Chest at Pirate Ghost Ship room 3 (You will need a rusty key dropped by the mini bosses/boss in there) to open you need to face the swag chest then use the Rusty key

4. Buy it from Mysterious Merchant at Blackmarket X1 Y28 (You will need to do delivery quest for at least 30 times before he will sell anything to you)

5. Exchange eNexia Points (open the Menu by Pressing F2 -> Blackmarket Kafra -> Exchange eNexia Point)

6. Last but not least you can buy the SOQ Box using Chronus at Misc Scroll NPC at Blackmarket X43 Y5

Daily Quest Runner

Daily runner is a helper scroll that will automagically complete all daily quest with some restriction, for quest that need item to complete you will need to prepare the required item, if you dont have the item it will not automagically completed. Some of the Advanced Daily Quest will need you to complete the quest line before it will auto completed when using this runner.

There are two type of Daily Quest Runner (Basic and Advance)

Basic Daily Quest Runner

This scroll will only automagically complete the Basic Daily Quest (Bless by the stars, minor, work and totem worship)

Advance Daily Quest Runner

This scroll will automagically complete all the Basic and Advance Daily Quest (Big Fish, Bjorn/Dowhar, Sailing and Fine Clothes)

You can obtain both scroll from exchange ePoints or Purchase it using Chronus.

Author: edric (1/20)




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