Guide Boards
Start From Gungnae --> South
Go to Southern path --> Down
Go to Gungnae Silla Cross Road --> Left
Arrive in Nagnang --> South
Nagnang south Coast --> X 026 Y 198
South Cost Harbour --> Right to X 057 Y 012 Click the Ship
Cost 10k Gold Coin --> Go Right untill End with the Ship
Japan East Cost --> X 014 Y 196 Disembark there
Go to X 033 Y 001 --> Japan Forest 1
Japan Forest 1 --> X 015 Y 001 Japan Forest 2
Japan Forest 2 --> X 128 Y 010 japan Forest 3
Japan Forest 3 --> X 168 Y 007 Japan forest 4
japan Forest 4 --> X 019 Y 001 Nara
Japan Forest 4 --> X 053 Y 092 Kyoto
NB: MUST DONE QUEST" Rescuing Prince Mhul " if not cant going HERE...
Author: Mikhael (7/10)