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The New Kingdom of the Winds

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About eNexia

eNexia is the 2D isometric MMORPG with cute anime style character, the story was based on ancient Korean Mythology
Enjoy the wonderful community, with many quest and vast world to visit, Buya, Gungnae, Mythic, Sabana, Japan, Trowulan and many more other places. Beside the usual hunt and grind there are many ways to get experience for your character, Such as Mini Games and Civil War. Currently we have four mini games event that started every hour, The classic Elixir war, Water Sumo, Snowball fight and Carnage All of those minigames event are fully automatic without needing a host.

The best part is you don't need a single penny to enjoy all of this contents, So what are you waiting for? head over the download page and start creating your first character and get the first wonderful nexia experience ever.




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Login Server: Online
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Total Population: 1468
Active Population: 367
Currently Online: 58

News and Updates

Thursday, 20 March 2025: Server is up and running

Migration completed, server is up and running

Please download the new ddraw from the download page here

Thank you

Wednesday, 19 March 2025: Planned Maintenance Tonight @11PM

As suggested by the ISP we are migrating the server to a new nodes, hopefully will improve the connection. Migration will takes around 1 to 2 hours and once completed you will need to download a new ddraw file to connect.

Ddraw file will be posted once everything is up and running

Thank you

Monday, 24 February 2025: Offline auto gathering

We will adjust current output of offline auto-gathering in few days this is to reduce over circulation of resources gained in the past 2 days

Current output is intended so there is no need to send me message everywhere

Thank you

Friday, 21 February 2025: New Changes to Offline Auto-Gathering System

In our latest update, we've made adjustments to the offline auto-gathering system to ensure fairer gameplay and prevent abuse by players creating multiple new characters to take advantage of the auto-gathering feature.

The system now calculates resources and experience points based on the character's quest completion progress. Here's what you need to know:

New Characters (No Completed Quests):
New characters who have not yet completed any quests will now receive only 10% of the usual resources and experience points from auto-gathering.

Wind Knight Quest Completion:
Characters that have completed the Wind Knight quest will receive up to 25% of the normal resources and experience points.

First Mark Quest Completion:
Completing the First Mark quest will raise the resources and experience output to 33%.

Second Mark Quest Completion:
If your character has completed the Second Mark quest, the output increases further to 66%.

Third Mark Quest Completion:
Characters who have completed the Third Mark quest will now receive 100% of the standard resources and experience points.

These changes aim to better balance the offline gathering system and provide more rewards to players who engage with the game's content through quests. Happy gaming!

Thursday, 20 February 2025: More info about offline gathering

You need to activate auto gathering then select the location,
make sure the location and tool match, otherwise you wont be able to offline gather resources.

Maximum duration for offline auto gathering is 8 hours, it is also depends on your tools availability.

The resources gathered during offline will be given when you logged in, if your inventory is full the item will be dropped on the floor, so don't forget to pick it up.

Thank you


Thursday, 27 March 2025: Happy Eid Mubarak 1446H

The Eid Mubarak event will begin from 28 March 2025 00:00 (GMT+7) until 06 April 2025 23:59 (GMT+7), check the NPC on South Buya to get started.

There is one ranked event related to Eid Mubarak event (Cake Givers).

Cake Givers
There is a Peanuts Forest if you go to the west of Jacheon Forest, hunt as many peanut as you can during the event, and exchange it with event NPC for cakes, then you can hand it to anyone (press h while facing the player you want to give the cakes) to get the event points, top three cake givers will gain event only item and legend marks

Rank 1st reward:
A Legend Mark, 1500 Chronus, one pair of subaccessories, a necklace and one rare event mount (*)

Rank 2nd reward:
A Legend Mark, 1000 Chronus, one pair of subaccessories and a necklace (*)

Rank 3rd reward:
A Legend Mark, 500 Chronus and one pair of subaccessories (*)

During this Eid Mubarak event we also give out another 10% bonus for every Chronus package purchase and activated.

Thank you and have fun :)

(*) All event item rewards are bound to the winner, break on death and pre-enchanted (random enchant type and rank)
the subaccessories will be depend on what is your class (Sabertooth Amulet/Ancient Forest Ring) the necklace is Spectral Necklace. the rare event the mount are timed 60 days not extendable.

1. You can see the ranking list by pressing MENU button then select Ranking. The ranking will be updated and sorted once every 10 minutes;
2. Reward will be given after the event ended and all the rank data verified, you will be disqualified if we found any suspicious activity during the event.
3. You can participate any number of characters as you want, but only your highest rank player in the event will be able to get the prize.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025: 10th Anniversary eNexia Point Bonanza 2025

Event will be started on 10 February 2025 00:00:00 and will end on 20 February 2025 23:59:59 Server Time (GMT+7)

The event rules are simple all you need to do is collect as many eNexia Point as you can during the event.
You can collect eNexia Point from top up Chronus and spend your Chronus, you will get 1 eNexia Point for every 100 Chronus top up or by spending 200 Chronus. eNexia Point from bounty and daily reward is not calculated in the event. You will get a notice when you gain eNexia point.

The top 3 eNexia Points Collector during the event will get the following prize

Rank 1st reward:
A Legend Mark, 1500 Chronus, one pair of Anniversary Bonanza Soul, one Anniversary Bonanza Badge and one rare event mount (!)

Rank 2nd reward:
A Legend Mark, 1000 Chronus, one pair of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and one Anniversary Bonanza Badge (!)

Rank 3rd reward:
A Legend Mark, 500 Chronus and one pair of Anniversary Bonanza Soul (!)

(!) Top 3 Event item rewards are bound to the winner and pre-enchanted (random enchant type and rank)

Extra rewards:
We will also give out event limited sub accessories set for all participants depends on your eNexia Points collected with the following rules:
Above 1800 Points = three pairs of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and three Anniversary Bonanza Badge
Above 1500 Points = two pairs of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and two Anniversary Bonanza Badge
Above 1200 Points = one pair of Anniversary Bonanza Soul and one Anniversary Bonanza Badge
Above 900 Points = one pair of Independence Bonanza Soul and one Independence Bonanza Badge
Above 600 Points = one pair of eNexia Bonanza Soul
Above 300 Points = one pair of Mystical Skull or Two Headed Trident (Break on Death)
All the extra reward also bound to the winner and not pre-enchanted.

For the top 3 eNexia Points Collector you also get the extra rewards depending how many points you collect during the events.
You can use the extra pair you received as refining materials. (Warning: if you have TIMED similar item from previous event, it is recommended NOT to use it as refining material since the TIMED status will follow to the new refined item)

For example If you are the top 1 with 1200 points you will get the top one pre-enchanted reward as stated above and also another pair of bonanza soul and a badge from the extra rewards.

We will also give addtional 10% for every Chronus package top up during the event.

Spending Chronus on mystery shop did not give you any eNexia point.
You can check your rank from Menu button and select Ranking
Remember this is PRIVATE SERVER so spend wisely, only spend what you can afford to lose.

Thank you and have fun :)

Monday, 3 February 2025: CNY 2025 Nian's Hunter Results

Here is the final results of the 2025 Nian's hunter event

Rank 1 Trabalista with 64005 points
Rank 2 Culdesac with 46444 points
Rank 3 Ngachung with 34644 points

We will distribute the prize soon, please spare 1 inventory slot and be online to receive the prize.

Thank you for your participation.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025: Chinese New Year 2025 + Ranked Event

The Chinese new year event will begin from 25 January 2025 00:00 (GMT+7) until 2 February 2025 23:59 (GMT+7), check the NPC on east Trowulan to get started.

There is one ranked event related to Chinese new year event (Nian's Hunter).

Nian's Hunter
Inside event cave there are Nian's that will be randomly spawned, you will need a firework to kill it, simply press space when facing the Nian, be carefull they are very agile, so act fast.
You can do group inside the event cave, but only the last hitter get the score for ranking. Do not worry getting killed inside the cave, you will not lose anything at all.

Rank 1st reward:
A Legend Mark, 1500 Chronus, one pair of subaccessories, a necklace and one rare event mount (*)

Rank 2nd reward:
A Legend Mark, 1000 Chronus, one pair of subaccessories and a necklace (*)

Rank 3rd reward:
A Legend Mark, 500 Chronus and one pair of subaccessories (*)

During this Chinese new year event we also give out another 15% bonus for every Chronus package purchase and activated.

Thank you and have fun :)

(*) All event item rewards are bound to the winner, Break on Death and pre-enchanted (random enchant type and rank); event mount are timed 60 days not extendable.

1. You can exchange angpao for fireworks, make sure you have plenty of fireworks before entering the event cave;
2. You can see the ranking list by pressing MENU button then select Ranking. The ranking will be updated and sorted once every 10 minutes;
3. Reward will be given after the event ended and all the rank data verified, you will be disqualified if we found any suspicious activity during the event.

Thursday, 19 December 2024: Merry Christmas 2024

Event will be started on 22nd Dec 00:00 until 29th Dec 00:00 which will be continued with New Year event until 5th Jan 2025 00:00. You can start the quest by talking to Baile at south Buya.

During the event on 23rd, 24th and 25th all normal mythic and arctic mobs will drop Xmas Giftbox that will have chances to get some sabana/japan creation item and also the event only item, good luck when opening it :p

During the event there is also 10% bonus on every Chronus package purchased

NOTE: If you happen to see edric anywhere during the event you can greet him by saying 'Merry Christmas' when facing him then you will get some Giftboxes from him. Make sure you have enough inventory space before doing so.

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